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Miscarriage Memorial Pendant Story

I had a woman reach out to me exactly one month after she had a miscarriage. She wanted me to create a memorial Pendant in honor of her little one. She didn't know exactly what she wanted and said for me to just do what comes to me. I asked her to share anything she wished to help bring the idea together.

As I awaited her response I began looking at stones that called me. I was immediately drawn to Garnet, however, I was a bit untrusting of my gut because I had never worked with red stones before. I placed some stones in my sopping cart that I was drawn to but still wasn't sure about my decision.

I then went back to our conversation in instant messenger to see if she responded and she did. Wow! I was blown away when I read her response and knew I was right on track.

She told me that her baby's spirit comes to her in the form of a cardinal! I then told her about the Garnet... a deep rich dark red.... the color of life, passion, love and blood. ❤️ She loved it.

I asked her if she wanted any symbols on her pendant. She then sent this picture... requesting something with two infinity symbols intertwined representing an eternal embrace.

Before I got started I asked her to please feel free to share anything else that comes to mind. To my surprise she sent the picture of her miscarriage!

I looked at it closely and realized it looked very similar to the shape of the infinity Pendant she sent!!! We were both blown away. 😲

I sat down and started to play with stones. At first I thought I was going to make it with one stone but then put three together and thought... whoa! That looks like her baby! A bit of what some may think is a twisted idea... Once again I doubted myself but then the phone alerted me that I had a new message. It was my client and she asked if I head any ideas, that was my cue so I pitched the idea and shared these pics. It was a GO! She loved the idea!!!

When I was almost complete with it she said she did the math and realized that Garnet would have been her baby's birth stone! ❤️ Pretty crazy!

Anyhow, here is the progression and the final piece.

Looks like a baby wrapped in a blanket! Holding it up to the light I could even see a little face!

By the way, she loved it 😊 and I did ask permission to share her story.

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