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Listen To Your Inner Knowing

 new beginning

 After the loss of my brother in September 2016, so many things changed. At the time, I was grateful to have owned my own Massage Therapy practice which allowed me the flexibility to take some time off and heal. My clients were very loyal and understanding which made it easy for me to share the unfortunate news.   

I attempted to go back to work a month after his passing but it didn't feel right. My career as a bodyworker had come to an end, as I was no longer able to give physically. That chapter had closed. I remember sitting in my car, crying before one of my appointments. Crying because I didn't want to go in, crying because I was tired and drained of giving. Then it hit me.... WAIT, this is MY business! Why am I feeling forced to go in? Why should I continue to take appointments when every time I see a booking I want to cry? This is just not right anymore.

It was terrifying to say goodbye to a successful business that I had once called my baby, once nurtured and cared for so greatly. I had many amazing clients, that I built beautiful connections with, and there was a part of me that felt guilty for having to leave them. But I knew it was time. My heart was no longer in the practice and the artist inside me was screaming to get out.

Two weeks before my brother unexpectedly passed away I had a vision. I was doing some online shopping and stumbled upon some pretty ugly, manufactured urn pendants. Eeeeesh, I thought. That's not right! Pendants like that should be handmade, WITH LOVE!! Then my mind started to drift... I began to see these beautiful, handcrafted urns, made with natural formations and having healing crystals attached to them. WOW! How beautiful would those be!!!!! I got super excited and was like... I could totally make those!!! But wait... wait... no no, wait. This is wrong. How can I make something so precious, without having the heartache of losing someone so close. So I dropped the idea as fast as it came to me. Self doubt set in and I thought... Pffft, I am not worthy of making something so special.

A few weeks prior to retiring my massage career I woke up remembering this vision. It was very clear to me and I knew it wasn't a coincidence that I had just stumbled upon those bare, manufactured urns. I am the type of person that pays attention to the signs. I know how connect the dots and with age, I have learned to listen to my intuition, paying closer attention to my inner knowing. 

Allowing the artist in me to finally emerge from the shadows was the only thing I could do. So I started to create and create some more. I pulled out crystals that I had been collecting over the years and ordered some wholesale as well. My crystal collection grew and it grew fast. I have always been drawn to crystals and loved working with them. But this time the connection was different. Working with the crystals on a deep, spiritual level was woking on my soul. The energy was intense and I was being lifted!! The fear of closing my massage practice was gone and I was ready for the new chapter I was being guided through. 

It just made sense to decorate urns with crystals! Of course! They help lift the spirit and connect dimensional frequencies, bringing more spiritual awareness. How perfect to put them on a necklace to wear close to the heart. The crystals were amplifying the energies all around me and I began making more than just the urns. My collection grew into making healing amulets to help support different emotional journeys as well.

So I thought I was saying goodbye to 14 years of bodywork, but I wasn't. Through my crystal creations, I am now connecting with people and supporting them physically, emotionally and spiritually. Being able to create these sacred works of art and helping others along their grief journey has lifted my spirit from the darkness. Seeing the smiling faces and hearing the beautiful stories of those I have been able to help, brings tranquility and peace to my soul. I can't express how much gratitude I feel for the connections I have made!!

I am just so happy that I didn't give in to the fear of the unknown. I could have taken a seat back and stayed right where I was at, doing what I had done for the past 14 years but I decided to take a leap in a new direction. Change doesn't have to be scary, not when you are listening to your inner knowing and following your heart!



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